Monday, May 3, 2010


lately it seems like there are cute bob and pixie haircuts everywhere i turn. perhaps it's part of clean 40s prep menswear look that a lot of girls are embracing. or maybe it's the influence of the inevitable return to grunge. whatever the reason, i'm loving the look.

i would love to be one of those cute girls too but that would require me to have completely different hair and a real hair care regimen other than my super sophisticated wash and air dry routine, something i can't be bothered with. and the last time i tried it, i looked like an moon faced boy who stood too close to one of those static balls in the science museum.

but one can dream of that perfectly tousled feminine tomboy cool these girls effortlessly exude.

images via garance doré, sartorialist, erica tanov, jak & jil, still in berlin

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